Monday, February 4, 2019

What is Wrong with Blackface?

What is wrong with Blackface?

Talk is that Gov. Northam, a Dem, must resign because he did some blackface at a party in the 80s in the South, Virginia. 

He has apologized. The rabid Vegan PC extreme left wing of the Democratic party or the DEM TALIBAN want a perfect world in which they did not have to deal with real people in everyday life. I for one say that the tempest in the teapot about Blackface and Racism is a mixed bag of judgment not balanced. 

These people on the left are nuts just like the Tea Party. And nobody in the media or elsewhere wants to explain why "Blackface" is supposed to be racist and offensive. Do these dumbed down talking heads even know?

Blackface was not offensive, every day in every theatre in America that did vaudeville from the 1840's to the 1940s and the advent of television, whereby minstrel shows with music or minstrel like teams of white men in blackface, so called comedians, that issued a daily reinforcement of African Americans as stupid, lazy and untrustworthy was the norm in everyday White America. 

If Northan made a mistake, apologize and move on. If he is racist, it will show in his everyday actions as Governor of Virginia. And as such he can be voted out of office or impeached in his own state legislature etc. 


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