Friday, February 1, 2019

VP Mike Pence - Hate Monger From Indiana Enjoys the Suffering of Others

Ellen Page, the actress, just gave an impassioned speech about the environment of a dying planet that politicians only want to debate the idea of Global Warming as a means to make extinct the human race.

She then rammed into the hate monger from Bavaria Indiana, professional politician, and Gay hater Vice President Mike Pence who would destroy the happiness of people who want to share love through gay marriage. And work for that end in his political career.

A blast from the Past * - * March 28, 2015

Gov Mike Pence Leads Way on Right to Hate State Legislation in Indiana - Christian Sharia Law

Happy are those who hate in da name of Da Lord!

Church and state merge in Indiana. Welcome back to the Dark Ages.

First the gays.

In six months it will be the Africans and their living under their terrible "mark of Cain" that they will be discriminating against.

Or women in a hospital emergency room who can't get their female body parts dealt with. 


Conservative groups backing the bill have said it merely seeks to prevent the government from compelling people to provide such things as catering or photography for same-sex weddings or other activities they find objectionable on religious grounds.
Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter praised the new law, saying it would give abortion opponents legal recourse if they are pressured to support the procedure. The organization circulated an online petition to thank Pence for signing the bill.


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