Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stone Manafort & Co. Sabotaging American Elections Since Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump - Remember Willie Horton

Half a century in the shadows of election "dirty tricks" - both sides do them - but they have grown out of Frat House like pranks into stealing elections for Russian Oligarchs etc. like at present with Trump.

Willie Horton

Remember Willie Horton, October Surprise in 1988, that played the RACE CARD without using the race word. All in all or in some other cut, Stone, Manafort and Atwater were, are, behind the scenes in some measure for decades in the corruption of the process by which we elect our national officials. 

Roger Stone

Lee Atwater

Now an incompetent American "Business Man" - a professor Harold Hill in Musical abilities as a metaphor, and useful Pawn of Russian Intelligence has opened a Pandora's political box and out falls Stone and Manafort and Atwater, who died at a young age, not to be judged now for the evil that has lived after him. 


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