Monday, October 15, 2018

Mike Pence Leaving VP Post soon to do Missionary Work in North Korea

Plentiful rumors in the capital of Mike Pence leaving his Vice Presidential post soon to do Christian Missionary work in Communist North Korea.

Sources in the North Korea Embassy in Washington DC confirms that perhaps the details are still being worked out of an exclusive charter to teach Christianity as a course in an all boys school K-12 where Pence would be head master in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital city.

Also details that the "Divine One" Kim Jong-un wishes the new Western Style Education facility to be named after his late uncle Boof Jin-dng killed in a recent military accident. It turned out that Boof had been a secret Christian and Kim asked VP Pence what he could do through communications to honor his late uncle, in letters between the North Korean leader and POTUS Trump.

Rumors having reached Mitch McConnell from White House staff about likelihood of hearings and Senate confirmation of a new VP brought up a likely and popular candidate in the coming 2018 lame duck Congress as that of black entertainer, high tech analyst and visionary Kanye West.

"He will bring us in the new GOP the youth and colored vote" stated white Southerner McConnell.

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