Sunday, July 22, 2018

Mueller About To Get Assange/Wikileaks to Interrogate - Last Nail in Trump Political Coffin?

Impeccable timing and calling in a few favors worldwide no doubt, by former FBI Chief and Special Russian Election Collusion investigator Robert Mueller. 

Assange no doubt shitting himself and quite regular prior to his release onto the streets of London. lol

Nobody can hide from the Mueller Inquisition. 

That includes you Vlad dearest. 

Ecuador 'close' to evicting Julian Assange from London embassy

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno went to Britain on Friday to meet with officials to finalise a deal under which protection for Assange will be withdrawn and he will be turned over to British authorities, Greenwald wrote on his website The Intercept.

The Australian national has resided in Ecuador's London embassy since 2012, after he breached bail in relation to sexual assault allegations he faced in Sweden. He cannot be arrested inside the embassy.
Sweden has since dropped its case against him, but Assange believes he will be extradited to the US for questioning over WikiLeaks activities if he leaves the building.

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