Saturday, July 28, 2018

FOX NEWS - Modern Minstrel Show Reinforcing A Jim Crow Image Comfortable to White A-Merica.

I accidentally got caught off guard and caught watching about 90 seconds of a FOX NEWS morning hour long "Hate" this morning - up from the mandatory ten minute "Hate" of George Orwell's 1984 fame. And wearing "Hannity White Face" grease paint.

That witch, Representative Walters, a Black Woman, two strikes against her already, and her rabble rousing slave upsetting voice up from her demand for real people to connect with the people, more like corporate paid Zombies, in Congress.

And White Folks in the Admin and Congress being upset for their daily bread in the local DC restaurant with $350 BOTTLES of Lobbyist paid French wine i.e. Paul Ryan's favorite, got a sound bite combination with Senator Corey Booker, BLACK man, from New Jersey also inciting the poor dark end of the population against the massas in the Plantation House crowd who now occupy in modern time and sense, the front CEO office and gated community private members only rural Country Clubs of America.

The BLACK man was saying such an alarming inciteful thing like ordinary people should go down to Washington DC and "get right in the faces of the people in Congress" to gets things done that the common people want and need and apparently not what the corporate masters of America want and really don't need.

Well there is this whole coded thing over at FOX NEWS on all kinds of levels but the real bottom line is that FOX NEWS operates on the hundreds year old play book of slaves, fear of Nat Turners and Plantation owners and Jim Crow jokes and financing minstrel black face to deface reality and reinforce all the fears of bookie men and goblins that children are fed to in order to go to bed early or eat their vegetables.

Fear of a slave rebellion is always out there WHITE AMERICA !!!

So beware. 

FOX NEWS - Jim Crow and Hate 24/7

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