Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lasting American Legacy - Jayer-Gilles 2004 Echezeaux Grand Cru Wine - $350 a Bottle Wine Gourmet Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Medicare and Lower Taxes for the Rich

$350 a Bottle Wine Gourmet Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Medicare and Lower Taxes for the Rich

Jayer-Gilles 2004 Echezeaux Grand Cru Wine - $350 

For a man who likes his $350 a bottle  French 

Wine while he discusses the abolishment of 

Medicare with Lobbyists, on a salary of 

$170,000 a year, the poor man can only afford 

485 bottles of vino a year.  What this country 

needs to do his lower his taxes so Elitist, Out 

of Touch, Easy (on the rich) Paul can drink

more wine. Yeah!

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