Monday, June 13, 2016

“Without Artistic Merit” – Donald Trump 1980 – “Aesthetic Vandalism” of Bonwit Teller Building NYC

Like ISIS destroying the Roman Ruins in Palmyra Syria, Donald Trump destroys art for profit in uneducated barbaric whims.

Art Destroyed For Profit by Donald Trump
Bonwit Teller, New York City. Image via The Department Store Museum.

Before the demolition of the Bonwit Teller building, Trump promised to donate the sculptures from the structure's Art Deco facade, as well as the decorative grillwork above the store's main entrance, to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.[18] The museum's appraised valued the sculptures at at least $200,000.[19] However, without warning, Trump's workmen shattered the sculptures with jackhammers and cut the grillwork into scrap metal. Several days later, Trump admitted that he had ordered the destruction himself.[18] Later in 1980, he boasted that the decor of his Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City included "real art, not like the junk I destroyed at Bonwit Teller".[20] The New York Times condemned Trump's actions as "esthetic vandalism", and a spokesman for Mayor Edward Koch said Trump had failed his "moral responsibility to consider the interests of the people of the city”.[18]

Bonwit Teller, New York City. Image via The Department Store Museum.

1935 Walter Agar - The New Architectural Sculpture

Destroyed Art Deco Masterpieces - 
Manhattan (goddess) Dancing in the Winds
("Without Artistic Merit" - DJT) 



  1. america will end like this building, for sure

  2. I pray you are wrong Anonymous 1:02

  3. Donald was described as a "rookie" by China, but that's too magnanimous, he's a spoiled juvenile that just doesn't get it. I pray he doesn't destroy the world with his stupidity. God help us and the world.

  4. I am Welsh. Each day we hear of more acts of incompetence and stupidity from your President. Why is America putting up with this? Frankly, he scares the life out of us over here, every time he opens his mouth. Get rid of him and put some pride back into your country. God help us all if you don't.

  5. "dee from wales" many of us here in America have not been able to sleep well at night since Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and his Gangster crowd have launched a successful coup against our government and democracy here in America. Many are doing all they can to resist these fascist vermin from Russia.

  6. It is obvious that Donald Trump has been destroying beautiful things for years. Now his is in the middle of destroying the entire country. We all must pray for sanity in the coming weeks up to the election.
