Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Weeping Lady of the Graveyard - Starr Cemetery - Knox PA

A  Country Graveyard - Pennsylvania

Copy of e-mail to a friend:

----: Just an FYI – no need to reply

Found an image of my uncle by marriage to my mother’s only sister - his gravesite – NW of Knox Pa – near the state teachers college in Clarion off of I-80. I guess my aunt is buried closer to home where she was in elderly housing in Shamokin as of a few years ago -  where my first cousin still lives with his second wife – have not spoken to cousin for years btw – that except for one letter from me to him after my aunt died. 

Uncle ---- died of lung cancer and was cremated.  Since the Government was picking up much of the tab including the burial marker because he was a Vet, my aunt buried his urn in a local cemetery, the Starr Cemetery, a secular graveyard with a few hundred graves.  The oldest stone is from the thirties, Michael and Martha Starr.

I relate all this to you because of your interest in Genealogy and grave yards etc. I visited this cemetery on a cold winter’s day in maybe Jan. or Feb. 1983, along with, alone with my cousin’s first wife; my cousin was in the hospital with an Asthma attack that weekend (marital stress?). I drove from New York to pay my respects to my aunt etc. that one weekend I could get away from my job.  Cold as the Artic and windy-yy.

I looked on the Google aerial map and I think they have since cut down part of the forest that then surrounded this very small cemetery.  It was the strangest place I ever visited to date. The forest, the gloom, cloudy, sunny, cloudy sunny etc. place. A view for dozens of miles in some directions with breaks in the tree line. A high place. It felt like I was on top of a mountain.  I paid my respects and we were leaving to go back to the car.

It was then that I heard it. I turned and the sound disappeared. Must have been the wind. I turned my head again and heard it again and louder. It was not the wind. As I turned, the sound disappeared. What I heard was the sound of a woman, the sound close to the ground, the sound of a woman weeping and it had a muffled quality as if coming from the other side of a door. I asked my cousin’s wife if she heard it. I described it to her. She did not hear it; had not heard it. Haunted?


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