Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Donald’s Education Ponzi Scam Comes Home to Roost

The Donald’s Education Ponzi Scam Comes Home to Roost
J.FifeSymington III was a crook who made a pile of money off of bank loans from his own bank to build plazas and empty office buildings in downtown Phoenix in the Savings and Loan scam in the late Eighties. The best way to stay out of prison was to run for Governor and keep the federal prosecutors at bay with Arizona Taxpayers dollars. Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate because of all her and her husband’s enemies wanting to subpoena them after Bill left office. Retiring Senator Monahan of NY urged her to run for his Senate seat, told her that if she and or her husband got caught on any legal matters, she could demand to be tried in the Senate by her peers which rarely happens. She stayed in Senate for eight years, one year longer than the standard seven years statute of limitations laws regarding civil law BTW. George W. Bush and his hand in the promotion and non-inspection/regulation of the ENRON SCAM made it necessary for him to run for higher office to avoid prison as co-conspirator as early as his years as Texas Governor - Ken Lay and Enron two monsters that W could never say no to. 
Now Donald
Trump ahead of his Trump University multi-million dollar Ponzi Scam blowing up in the California and NYS courts and with it negative press wants, hoping for the FBI to protect the future GOP Prez of the United States = is seeking higher office to protect his thieving ass from JAIL. Geez. America, ain’t it a great place. #DonaldTrump #TrumpUniversity

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