Friday, March 25, 2016

“Religious Liberty/Freedom (coded Segregation Jim Crow/Gays-No)” laws pass in Southern States

Dog Whistle Bills in the inbred South to get out the local vote for the local Kim Davis County level jobs and of course the meal ticket seats in state(H8) Legislatures in the upcoming Trump 2016 GOP Tsunami are in the works.

One passed in North Carolina. Whatever happened to North Carolina? A billionaire named Pope buying up the state legislature for ten cents on the dollar, who has successfully spread his hate dope for a generation to clean up once the old bastard dies and goes to hell.

Now one bill HB757 (sounds like a toxic WMD) in Georgia from the GOP legislature waiting for the Governor’s signature. Bills Labeled as anti-gay but just the standard coded H8 stuff – “Religious Liberty/Freedom (coded Segregation Jim Crow/Gays-No)” laws to protect some "Christian" bakery in rural America, the only bakery in one horse towns, from making wedding cakes for the Blacks or the current easy to H8 flavor of the month target - ‘da Gays - in bible beating A-merica.  

Beat your bishops Religious Libery/Freedom - white guys club.

They can buy a dozen guns and hide in fear of it whatever it is – the women, the blacks, the gays, the future but they can’t come with something better than religion to put a sweet grape jelly covering onto their sticky peanut buttered up hate. 


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