Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Frank Furness, Architect - Frankford & Southwark Railway’s Depot – 1878 – Trolley Depot View circa 1917

1917 Photo - Philadelphia and Southwark R.R. Deport (1878)
(Public Domain)

The image of the Frankford Elevated line on Frankford Avenue below reaches a point of construction circa 1917 when the steel structure was planted. Building to right above and below is old “Dummy Depot” built for the Frankford and Southwark Railway Depot as a unifying piece of architecture 1-1/2 stories with a clock tower joining two previously built separate train sheds in 1878. 

(Photo below I would say was taken from balcony of the old "Seven Stars" Hotel at Frankford and Oxford Aves..)

Progress of Frankford El Construction - Frankford and Oxford Aves. - circa 1917
(Public Domain)

Bromley Map of Philadelphia - 1910

Depot building with clock tower attributed to Frank Furness, Philadelphia architect.

Oxford Ave Intersection with Frankford Ave and Arrott Street
(Google Map - Present Day)


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