Monday, April 20, 2015

PC Ben Affleck Hides Slave Owning Ancestors per Hacked Sony Emails

Saccharine PC correct/sweet Ben Affleck decided to edit his slave owning ancestors out of his professional Democratic Party Resume. Whatever.

Reminds me of back in October when PC Ben tried to explain PC to Bill Maher on what and how to talk Islam and Islamophobia. No wonder the Dems lost Congress with perfect little prissy PC “men” like Ben Affleck mucking up the road and everyday conversation. (

The film star Ben Affleck asked television chiefs to hide the fact that one of his ancestors was a slave owner, according to a newly published batch of hacked emails involving the media giant Sony.

The Oscar-winning director and actor, star of the forthcoming movie blockbuster Batman v Superman, asked producers of the public-television show Finding Your Roots to leave some details out of the story of his heritage. The host of the show, Henry Louis Gates, a prominent Harvard history professor, appeared upset by the apparently unprecedented request but the sensitive facts were nonetheless left out of the show, which aired last September.

The emails were published online by WikiLeaks. It is not clear how the pro-transparency group acquired the emails, which it published with up to 30,000 others involving Sony that are believed to be part of a huge batch stolen last summer in a cyber-attack blamed on a group affiliated to North Korea.

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