Friday, January 16, 2015

Christian Mullah Franklin Graham Has Fatwa Shit Fit Over Food Court Sharing At Duke University Chapel

The foreign exchange students at Duke, bringing in the big tuition bucks wanted to chant for a few minutes every Friday as a call to prayer to their third world god AllahNewKid(ontheblock).

Christian Mullah Franklin Graham defending Christian Sharia says NO. NO. NO.

As we all know, AllahNewKid is inferior to the Local North Carolina gods of Yahweh Senior and little but more famous Yahweh Junior.

In the interest of Graham-country keeping triple K rated North Carolina kristian sharia PURE with a white sheet on top - Christian Mullah Franklin Graham had a shit fit when Duke Univeristy tried this share time thing of the religious food court (Bread and Wine) rights to its empty full of cobwebs obsolete christian chapel.



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