Friday, November 7, 2014

Politically Correct Storm Troopers Like Ben Affleck Have Destroyed Democratic Party with PC POISON

"I am PC Pure!" - "You are a moron Ben,"

I stopped writing over at Daily Kos because one day I did not know the lexicon of 100% liberal culturally pure words. And with the use of one politically incorrect (unacceptable word in any circumtance) word which I used metaphorically “Rothchild” in a, theoretically I thought, discussion of nineteenth century economics related to the American Civil War – I was attacked instantly by dozens of Kos Nazis or “Kossacks” – attacked instantly and totally accused of “anti-semitism” in dozens of comments rendered in a matter of tens of seconds.
If you think you are liberal or progressive or believe in science, if you don’t believe any of that the KOS way, you are an outsider and eliminated or shunned, voted rated down down or commented to death by 100% politically correct lefties – the pure or purist wing of that party that just lost so badly in Congress.
Ben Affleck, to protect his politically perfect version of limousine liberal PC, regarding the fanatic ragheads in the east and their war on the west, attacked Bill Maher as a act of loyalty to his own ego and the PC niche he has carved out regarding Politically Correct Fantasy Arab Interpretation Hollywood style history.
The Republicans have the poor, the ignorant. The poor will always be with us. Their base is secure forever.
The politically correct minefield, mindfield that the left has to go through to prove oneself and or one’s cause pure and correct and abstract and not real to the man or woman in the street - college professor PC ideal classroom model - is the problem the Dem Morons like Ben Affleck have until the Dems can crawl back into power as a politically party of real people and not PC clones.

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