Saturday, November 22, 2014

A. G. POWELL Bicycle Patent No. 452,649. Patented May 19,1891.

The Wheel and Cycling Trade Review 21 Nov. 1890

A book called THE INDUSTRIES OF PENNSYLVANIA, published circa 1882, on p.126, contains the following passage:

"David Pettit & Co., Ornamental Iron Works, Nos. 1130 & 1132 Ridge Ave. One of the most important manufacturing establishments in this city and which has by the excellent character of its production become well known throughout the city, is the Ornamental Iron Works of David Pettit & Co., which were originally established ten years ago by Hanson & Kirk, who conducted the business until 1876, when the firm became Hanson & Pettit.

In Nov., 1879, Mr. Frank Pettit became a member of the firm, and since then the firm transacts business under the title of David Pettit & Co.  September, 1880, the business which had formerly been carried on at Twelfth and Willow streets, was removed to the establishment formerly occupied by Robert Wood& Co.  The works are divided into several departments, each of which is provided with all the latest improved machinery, appliances and tools, driven by steam power, and furnishing employment to a number of skilled workmen.  

The productions consist of all kinds of Ornamental Iron Work, Statuary, Fountains, Chairs, and settees for Lawns, Stable Fixtures, Weather Vanes, and Hitching-posts, Staircases, etc.-a specialty being made of Railings for Cemeteries. 

A distinguishing feature of the work being the rich, elegant and unique designs, most of which are original with the firm.

A large business is conducted by the firm, as they are constantly
originating new designs which meet the popular tastes, and are largely in demand all through the country, Canada, the West Indies and other points.

The members of the firm are David Pettit and Frank Pettit, natives of Salem, N.J., who bring to bear upon the business sound judgment and rare business ability. This establishment is one of the leading representative manufacturers of this special line of goods in the city."


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