Friday, October 17, 2014

Ted Rafael Cruz Defends Privileged Class - “Free of Tax” Class Religionists and Right to Discriminate

Ted Cruz Defending Discrimination Right of Privileged TAX-FREE Religionists in Houston Texas

The city of Houston wants to subpoena “sermons” urging discrimination in Houston against minorities, women, gays, coloreds – and Cuban / American White Trash (via Canada) Texas Senator "Ted" Rafael Cruz-Darragh steps up to bat and defends his favorite class of people, rich “untaxable” religionist Texans. No separation of church and state when a greedy illegal immigrant “constitutional” lawyer defends privilege over democracy.

In May, the City Council passed the equal rights ordinance, which bans discrimination of gay and transgender residents among businesses that serve the public, private employers, in housing and in city employment and city contracting. Religious institutions are exempt, but city attorneys subpoenaed five pastors, seeking all speeches, presentations or sermons related to the petition, the mayor, homosexuality or gender identity.

Christian activists sued after city officials ruled they didn’t collect enough signatures on petitions to put a referendum on the ballot to repeal the ordinance backed by Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who is gay.


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