Sunday, September 28, 2014

Who Needs (a) God When They Can Afford an iPhone 6 (Rhetorical ?).

I could die and go to heaven when I get my iPhone 7 !  (trash cult talk)

Made in the image and lifeness of god Steve Jobs…….lol


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Top Favorite Baby Name in Israel – Mohammed – Mazel Tov

But what the incident does reveal is some long-standing anxiety about birth rates. Israeli Arabs — that's citizens of the state, not those living in the West Bank or Gaza — make up 21 percent of Israel's population. Though they're still substantially smaller than the Jewish majority, it's not surprising that Mohammed's victory makes some Israelis antsy about a potential future demographic shift.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Peter Kehoe Murderer Gets Ten Years - Jersey City NJ 1891

Detective William Dalton was born in Ireland in 1846 and was brought to Jersey City when a child. He served for nine months in the 21st New Jersey Infantry. After the war he was in the sail making business until he was appointed on the force in May 1871. He served as Patrolman until May 1 1887 when he was promoted Detective Dalton has a record as a detective officer that cannot be beaten. He has made many important captures of criminals amongst which are the arrest of :

Proctor Denning and Foley the first National Bank robbers who were sent to prison for fifteen years

Girloff the sandbagger who got ten years

Blinkey Reilly and Hop up Langtry the post office burglars who got five years

Patrick Doyle a professional swindler one year

Maria Kelly a notorious dishonest servant five years

Joseph Kirwin for the murder of Frank Fernando ten years

Jack Gill the coiner two years

John Romenillo for the murder of Michael Storolice in Brooklyn

John Miller for burglary five years

Victor Turo for murder of Peter Kehoe ten years

Big Dick Morris pick pocket five years

Herman Zrecker burglar five years

Frank McCabe pennyweight man five years

Mike Noonan for the murder of John Carroll twenty years

Belch Harney for burglary three years

Big Jim Montrey and Charles McKelsy for burglary ten years

Frank Clayton burglar five years

James O Brien and James McNulty masked burglars five years

Finger Morrison burglar five years

George Neisenger and Max Featherstone Lava Bed gang five years and

Anton Bertrand alias Frenchy burglar five years.


Killed For A Nickel - 1890 - NYT

Peter Kehoe Fatally Stabbed

"Peter Kehoe of 137 Laidlaw Avenue, Jersey City, who was stabbed Saturday night by Peter Tolo, an Italian bootblack of 37 Colgate, will die. His ante-mortem statement was taken declared positively that Tolo stabbed him. He said he was quietly walking down Laidlaw Avenue, when he was suddenly confronted by Tolo, who, without saying a word, plunged a knife into his abdomen and fled.

"Kehoe said the only quarrel he had ever with the Italian was two weeks ago, when Tolo charged him ten cents to black his boots, and he only paid him 5 cents. Tolo then swore in a rage that he would have revenge. Kehoe did not see him again until he was stabbed. The police believe they can find Tolo."

(The New York Times – Published: July 28, 1890)

Moral of the story: definitely learn to shine your own shoes.


Monday, September 22, 2014

90 Fifth Avenue NYC - Arthur and Countess Annie Leary Cottage - 1890

This a rough sketch of one of the lesser known members of Mrs. Astor’s 400 Society types from the late nineteenth into early twentieth century gilded era New York.

I began, out of curiosity, a search for existing records and images on the Internet for a picture of 90 Fifth Avenue in 1893, the year of death of Arthur Leary, one the extremely few Roman Catholics on “The” Mrs. Astor’s “400” society list. He made the cut not I think by social graces as much as by sheer wealth and having gone to school as a child with “The” Mrs. Astor’s husband, William B Astor Jr..

That personal and probably business as well  connection of Arthur’s was in imitation of the original part of Arthur’s inherited wealth of his father James, who in turn was a business client and associate of William B. Astor Jr’s grandfather, John Jacob Astor, the German born immigrant that founded the American Astor family dynasty line. 

James Leary had been a hatter, using the infamous Astor monopoly controlled beaver pelts, in a shop in the basement of the original luxury hotel “The Astor House” in downtown NYC across from City Hall and before the Civil War.

The three older Leary brothers Arthur, Daniel and George seemed to have made a fortune off of shipping during the Civil War and beyond which ended up being invested soundly in Insurance Companies and Banks by Arthur.

Arthur was unmarried and so his old maid sister Annie Leary usually accompanied him to society balls and to Newport in summer to visit with their peers, the gilded age rich in their million dollar plus “cottages” on the ocean.  After Arthur's death, sister Annie spent the next twenty six years giving much of his estimated anywhere from seven to twenty million dollar fortune away to charity, mostly to Catholic related charities and building projects. 

Anne became “Countess”Annie Leary after the early 1900s who had a Papal title bestowed on her for philanthropy and charity work and most notably towards NYCs Italian immigrant community.

“I began, out of curiosity, a search for existing records and images...” because of the Arthur Leary NYT’s Obit in typical effete NYT’s fashion describing his house at 90 Fifth Ave. as “quaint”. It was no doubt a small simple house not reflective of his immense wealth and social standing as compared to the other urban castles of the rich built further up Fifth Avenue. 

Leary NYT Obit 1893

The Leary’s I suspect were very frugal. From what I have read the house at 90 Fifth Ave may have been rented at one time, waiting for its original owner Dr. Thaddeus Halsted (not Halstead) to die about 1870. He has various addresses in various NYC directories for his doctor’s practice and or residence. I suspect that as a rental property, it did not have many changes or alterations along the time line from when it was built around 1835 as three small houses for the children of William Halsted who had a big mansion built there at the same time at 1 West Fourteenth Street and or “84” Fifth Ave on the lot per city lot maps. The three children’s houses were of course “86”, “88” and “90” Fifth Ave.

As the other buildings on the block went commercial with rebuilds, upgrades and add-ons I suspect that the Leary Cottage remained a simple house, probably two rooms on two rooms in a house footprint of 18’8” X 100’ on an 18’8” x 199’ lot per the Bromley 1891 Atlas of the City of New York Lot Map.

Papal Countess Annie Leary of NYC
Photo by Theodore C. Marceau 1859-1922
(original copyright expired)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Message of Jesus in a Corrupt Gilded Corporate Age - Father Thomas Ducey, St Leo's NYC, 1 Jan 1900

"I hope that every member of this congregation will realize his obligation to live as the epistle directs him to live, justly and godly, and to protest against the covetousness and luxury of the unjust and tyrannical oppression by the corrupt corporation powers of the times in which we live." ~~ Father Thomas J. Ducey, St. Leo’s Church NYC, New 20th Century Sermon – January 1, 1900

St. Leo's RC Church 11 E 28th Street NYC - 1895
(original copyright expired)


Friday, September 19, 2014

Haight House Apartments 1870 - Kensington Hotel 1901 - New York City

Hotel Kensington, Fifth Ave. near Washington Square – Photo by Byron Company (New York, N,Y,) – 1904 -From the Collections of the Museum of the City of New York,-Fifth-Ave.-near-Washington-Square.-2F3XC53THVN.html

(Kensington Hotel 1901, formerly Haight House Apartments (French Plan) 1870, formerly New-York Club, formerly Private Residences, Southeast Corner Fifth Avenue and E. Fifteenth Street, NYC)

The Haight Mansion, (No. 2 ? E. Fifteenth Street) from the early 1850s. was the original corner part of the Haight House Apartments (1870) of the still fashionable Fifth Avenue neighborhood just off Union Square. The new apartment buildings offered services like a hotel to a perhaps reluctant upper crust who saw the new apartment idea little different than the age old tenements of the poor. 

By the turn of century (1900) the apartment building was a new hotel setup from about 1901 after a fire in the late 1890s at the apartment building setup. The building I believe got torn down in 1906.

Some supporting links for your information:


"Only a year later, in 1871, the first apartment building with hotel services was opened. It was an adaptation of an old family home into multi-family dwelling for twenty families and several bachelors. 

The building was situated on the corner of 15thStreet and Fifth Avenue, it was called Haight House and had five floors, four devoted to family apartments and the fifth floor devoted to bachelor apartments. In each floor plant there were five apartments composed by three bedrooms, parlor, living room, kitchen, pantry, bathroom and two bedrooms for the service. 

On the fifth floor there were eleven bachelor apartments, five of them had a parlor and two bedrooms, the rest had only a parlor and a bedroom.

 A laundry and a kitchen sited in the basement could serve through a dumbwaiter the different apartments. Meals were served in the common dining room or in each of the apartments. Pneumatic tubes and electric bells connected the apartments with the kitchen and the reception of the building. 

After the construction of the Haight House many similar buildings began to proliferate in New York. Although most of the examples followed the same pattern, the name used to designate them used to change depending on its character or its services. During this first epoch both the used terminology to describe them and the law that regulated them were of a great ambiguity. 

The existing housing law considered only the word "tenement", which defined a building that housed three or more families cooking on their premises. Usually the word "tenement" was associated to low income working class, so new housing typologies targeted the middle class using other terms to be clearly different from them, apartment building with hotel services were usually appointed under the term hotel, family hotel or apartment hotel. During these early years several examples were built around Fifth Avenue, between 10th and 27th Street…"

Advertisement 1901 - (copyright expired)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lindsey Graham Mad Hatter South Carolina - WAR - WAR - WAR I SAY!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Celebrity Meme - LeSean McCoy’s Twenty Cent ($.20) bull**** Tip at PYT Philadelphia – Charlie Sheen?

(left image - Google Street Maps - right image - link below)

It all appears to be some sort of celebrity meme – that famous people are not allowed privacy or cannot vote by their wallet for poor service? And then very talented but professional drunk/druggie Charlie Sheen has to get in his Two not Twenty Cents worth ease dropping on social media.

…to the backlash he, PYT and Knelly had received. In the statement, he took responsibility for posting the photo, saying "I stand by my actions one hundred percent." He expanded on exactly how McCoy and his group were allegedly rude to the staff:

"He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face... Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire."

Monday, September 1, 2014