Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rafael Cruz, Pastor of a Purifying Fire Religion Franchise in Carrollton Texas – Part of the Benny/Suzanne Hinn “Christian” Worldwide Tax Racket Empire

Pastor Rafael Cruz of Purifying Fire Ministries Carrollton Texas

When the media uses the word “pastor” to describe the grifter, once illegal immigrant, father of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, they are no doubt not going into any church building but merely quoting some checked mark, or line from one of his tax returns claiming tax exemption for his “religious” efforts to launder cash for the poor and needy? – with his mail order minister’s certificate???

So there was no "discussion" when Cruz accused the entire Democratic Party of "assaults on the church itself." 
 To Cruz, requiring faith-based hospitals and schools to match secular employers' insurance is about punishing churches and charging them for "violating their faith." 
 He talked about his religious liberty work in Attorney General Greg Abbott's office defending a Ten Commandments monument and the words "under God" in pledges. 
 "It is astonishing how frequently our religious liberty is under assault," Cruz said. 
 He introduced his father, Cuban immigrant Rafael Cruz, an evangelist with Carrollton-based Purifying Fire Ministries. 
 When it was Krause's turn, Ted Cruz described the young graduate of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University School of Law as a "warrior" and "extremely strong" in Austin. 
 Krause called for a state constitutional amendment upholding religious liberty. That's something voters elsewhere already defeated over concern about child abuse cases. 
 His comment on science included a remark about how many young adults support gay rights because they lack education in the "important role the traditional family has played in our culture." 

A Million Dollar Used Thrift Store Sofa and Chair for the Poor???

Purifying Fire International's Ministries *** (see Tweet below)

Our vision is to minister God's love to the widows, the orphans and the poor in a practical, as well as spiritual way, and to raise up an Army of Intercessors with 24/7 "Houses of Prayer" around the Nation. We minister and equip the youth with practical and spiritual ways of growth because they are the next generation that God is raising up. 
 PFI recently purchased a living room set for a single mother who did not have furniture for her and her small child. Thank you for your donations that helped in a spiritual, as well as practical way. The mother was overwhelmed and overtaken with tears of gratitude.


*** November 22, 2013 AM EST (below)

Senator Ted Cruz’s Vision for Immigration – A Future Cash Cow of Bribes for the GOP – Dad’s Illegal Path to U.S. as a Model

I know all this “I knew Fidel” barroom talk can get out of hand. Like with Ted’s dad Rafael Cruz saying how he fought with Fidel Castro but left Cuba after he found out Castro was a Communist even before Castro knew he was a communist. And in 1957. 

Rafael Cruz left Cuba like a bat out of hell and I have to wonder if it was Fidel Castro Chasing him or someone or something else?

One has to wonder if Rafael Cruz was part of failed assassination attempt on President Batista on March 13, 1957 by students and such and associated and such with Fidel Castro in the countryside.

Leaving Havana in 1957 with a bribe and a forged visa to the United States was the perfect grifter’s path to wealth in the United States and not bothering to seek U.S. Citizenship until 2005.

A fifty dollar bribe and a forged Visa, a fifty dollar airfare to Miami and the rest is history. And let's not forget the revealed extra detail of "$100" shown into Rafael's underwear. The Cruz Dynasty of Texas to stand next to the Bush Dynasty of Texas etc. 

All other illegal immigrants (now) to pay cash like Pop Cruz?

… how Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) father shaped his vision on immigration, his father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, an immigrant from Cuba, said that while he “came to this country legally,” he basically bribed an official to get to the United States. 
“A friend of the family -- a lawyer friend of my father basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit,” the elder Cruz said.

At 3:24 two automobiles and a red delivery truck that carried the first assault group stopped near the Colon Street entrance. The guards paid no attention  A minute later the men jumped from the vehicles, carrying rifles, automatic weapons, and hand grenades.

Firing point-blank at the soldiers, they burst into the building and raced up the stairs. One of them Luis Goicoechea, remembered later: "It was just like in the movies." In Batista's office they found only the remains of his lunch and two coffee cups. In a panic they searched the other rooms and the hallways but could discover no way to the third floor. 
The elevator, the sole access to that area, was still up there. From the roof the guards raked the interior patio and adjacent streets with machine gun fire, and the frustrated attackers began to withdraw. 
A few escaped, but most were killed inside the palace. In the streets, as motorists hid under their cars, the shooting continued for hours. One American tourist on the balcony of the Hotel Parkview, two blocks away, died when he was struck by a stray bullet.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas Was Quite the Fashionista Back in His Salad Days at Princeton

“It was my distinct impression that Ted had nothing to learn from anyone else,” said Erik Leitch, who lived in Butler College with Cruz. Leitch said he remembers Cruz as someone who wanted to argue over anything or nothing, just for the exercise of arguing. “The only point of Ted talking to you was to convince you of the rightness of his views."

"In addition to Mazin and Leitch, several fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like “abrasive,” "intense," “strident,” “crank,” and “arrogant." Four independently offered the word “creepy,” with some pointing to Cruz’s habit of donning a paisley bathrobe and walking to the opposite end of their dorm’s hallway where the female students lived."

“I would end up fielding the [girls’] complaints: 'Could you please keep your roommate out of our hallway?" Mazin says.
