Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rafael Cruz, Pastor of a Purifying Fire Religion Franchise in Carrollton Texas – Part of the Benny/Suzanne Hinn “Christian” Worldwide Tax Racket Empire

Pastor Rafael Cruz of Purifying Fire Ministries Carrollton Texas

When the media uses the word “pastor” to describe the grifter, once illegal immigrant, father of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, they are no doubt not going into any church building but merely quoting some checked mark, or line from one of his tax returns claiming tax exemption for his “religious” efforts to launder cash for the poor and needy? – with his mail order minister’s certificate???

So there was no "discussion" when Cruz accused the entire Democratic Party of "assaults on the church itself." 
 To Cruz, requiring faith-based hospitals and schools to match secular employers' insurance is about punishing churches and charging them for "violating their faith." 
 He talked about his religious liberty work in Attorney General Greg Abbott's office defending a Ten Commandments monument and the words "under God" in pledges. 
 "It is astonishing how frequently our religious liberty is under assault," Cruz said. 
 He introduced his father, Cuban immigrant Rafael Cruz, an evangelist with Carrollton-based Purifying Fire Ministries. 
 When it was Krause's turn, Ted Cruz described the young graduate of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University School of Law as a "warrior" and "extremely strong" in Austin. 
 Krause called for a state constitutional amendment upholding religious liberty. That's something voters elsewhere already defeated over concern about child abuse cases. 
 His comment on science included a remark about how many young adults support gay rights because they lack education in the "important role the traditional family has played in our culture." 

A Million Dollar Used Thrift Store Sofa and Chair for the Poor???

Purifying Fire International's Ministries *** (see Tweet below)

Our vision is to minister God's love to the widows, the orphans and the poor in a practical, as well as spiritual way, and to raise up an Army of Intercessors with 24/7 "Houses of Prayer" around the Nation. We minister and equip the youth with practical and spiritual ways of growth because they are the next generation that God is raising up. 
 PFI recently purchased a living room set for a single mother who did not have furniture for her and her small child. Thank you for your donations that helped in a spiritual, as well as practical way. The mother was overwhelmed and overtaken with tears of gratitude.


*** November 22, 2013 AM EST (below)


  1. I understand that you don't agree with Cruz or Cruz's father, but do have to lie? Cruz's father was never an illegal immigrant that is just a bald faced lie.

  2. I am glad you at least agree on the grifter part of my equation. Thx.

  3. Rafael Cruz is clearly an amazing and well-spoken force for the conservative and Christian values are country was founded on! He seems to be a threat to the writer of this article. For those who love Jesus and believe in the values of the Bible, Rafael is a breath of fresh air shining truth and light onto the evils and lies of the present socialist ungodly administration.

  4. Hi Anon.1:37 The only ungodly ones around here i reckon are the Cruzes and their a**lick admirers. lol

  5. Rafael Cruz was a lawbreaker and illegal immigrant. He is being reviewed now by the Cuban Justice Ministry for a possible role in the murder of four 14 year olds in 1957 when he was not a 'Castro Revolutionary' but a spy for the Batista Dictatorship.

  6. Rafael is known in Cuba as a 'bola de grasa' - greaseball. He supported the Batista Dictatorship

  7. What a surprise. A communist leaning obummer supporter such as yourself casting aspersions at a conservative Christian. How convenient that the laughably named Cuban Justice Ministry is NOW reviewing a 56 year old case to try to slow Ted Cruz's rise to power. You low-life commie supporters go as low as it takes, don't you? Be a man and get off your knees. Live free or die.

  8. What you smoking dude? Glad the international court via Cuba will finally establish some justice after half a century with that old criminal.

  9. Obama had to show his birth certificates to disprove all the "Birther's" stupid GOP movement. It is known that Ted Cruz born in Canada, how come they do not cried out loud for this?
    Bunch of hipocrits. And with respect to Cruz being the anointed one, this is the biggest blasphemy I heard in my life.
    If he is the chosen one is the Antichrist one.

  10. False anointing by his gypsy grifter con artist father = antiChrist. Every loser takes Rafael Cruz at his word that he is who he says he is. or a criminal from South America claiming be be Cuban - what bullshit - and his bastard son born in Canada in the middle of an oil field contractor scam in 1970. Den of thieves, the whole Cruz family.

  11. I guess I have never seen a man of God so full of Spirit of hate

  12. I love to see the progressive left try to describe religious organizations. It's like an uneducated homeless person trying to explain how to build a skyscraper. My comment isn't necessarily a slam, just an observation. It simply illustrates their understanding of religion and religious issues. Notice here that ministry to the poor and needy is deemed "laundering money". The writer would have much more credibility if the ministries financial statement showing such misappropriation of funds was sited. It may be so, but this an allegation without substantiation. To me, it looks as though the writer have some personal vendetta against the Cruz family. But I'm sure it is MUCH larger in scope. It's just an amazement to me for people to have such hatred of christians. No other ideology has been responsible for the amount of good done in this world!!

  13. What I find interesting is that now that it's come to light that old man Cruz is a liar and fabricated his life story, there are people who still insist on believing this garbage. The man is a liar and taking people for suckers. Just because some guy tells you a good story and waves a Bible around doesn't mean that he's being honest with you. What does it take for people who insist on being suckered to look into this man's past? I believe that a true Christian would make it a point to verify someone's story before they buy into it hook, line, and sinker. This man is making a mockery out of God and the Christian faith. That should offend people.

  14. Ted is lying about his citizenship status. He may very well be a citizen because of his mother, but he does not meet the natural born citizen definition. Not even close. When will people ever learn the real meaning. Some people say that well, because Obama was considered eligible, then Cruz should be also, there situation is almost the same. I guess those people also think that because someone got away with rape, all rape should be okay.

  15. well, found one thing i dont like, Benny Hinn is a FALSE Teacher, so anyone connected to him i would not support, so, am i to assume Ted is also?
