Friday, December 27, 2013

Catholic League Appeals for Evidence To Clear Archbishop Nienstedt of Minneapolis Accused of Grabbing a Boy’s Ass at Confirmation

I must say the police are actually investigating possible child abuse and by Archbishop Nienstedt of all people. 

Doctor Bill at Catholic League is looking for evidence to clear Nienstedt, to turn it over to authorities or destroy it if not helpful?

Catholic League:

Now—out of the blue—comes an unidentified male who claims he was touched on his buttocks in 2009 by the archbishop while posing for a group photo. Nienstedt denies the charge, adding that he has never inappropriately touched anyone. Moreover, he has not been told the identity of his accuser.

The Catholic League is asking those who were there to share with us any information they have. Specifically, we are interested in obtaining a tape recording, or set of photos, of any Confirmation ceremony in 2009 where Archbishop Nienstedt was present; presumably, the alleged victim was standing next to the archbishop. Also, we are asking anyone who knows anything about the accuser (someone knows who he is) to come forward.  Please email us at

Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt, already under fire for failing to take action against priests suspected of abuse, announced Tuesday (Dec. 17) that he is stepping aside temporarily after a minor accused the outspoken archbishop of touching his buttocks during a group photo after a 2009 confirmation ceremony. 

In what he called “a difficult letter for me to write,” Nienstedt says he learned of the allegation during the weekend. He said he does not know the young man and he presumes his accuser to be “sincere in believing what he claims.” 

But he rejected the charge as “absolutely and entirely false.”

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