Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz and His Oedipus Complex Attack on His Dad Rafael via Obamacare – Dysfunctional Cruz Family of Texas Keeps Giving and Giving on Immigration, Healthcare and Citizenship

Calgary City Hall, Alberta Canada

Somewhere along the timeline Little Raffi, “Ted” Cruz turned on Dad to keep the constant attention of Mom. That’s called the Oedipus Complex, a Greek thing and deeply (secretly) sexual.

While on the trail of the possible common law marriage with Eleanor Darragh Wilson of New Castle county Delaware and Rafael Bienvenito Cruz of Cuba, Calgary and Carrollton Texas, is the revelation of NPR no less that Rafael Cruz was a Canadian citizen at the time of Senator Ted Cruz’s birth in 1970 in Calgary Alberta Canada.

Jim Robinson over the Free Republic, Right Wing blog site has all but shut down any Birther type talk against his boy Ted Cruz and his run for the White House in 2016.

Jim Robinson at Comment 43:

Ted Cruz was born to an American mother. He’s a natural born citizen and patriot in every sense of the word and I will support him to the hilt if he decides to run and is the strongest conservative running!! In fact, if that happens, FR will be Cruz Country!!  
 Go, TED, GO!!  
 FU Tokyo Rove, Chris Cristy, Jeb Bush, McCain, McBoehner, McGrahammesty, McFlake, McConnell and ALL GOP-e RINOS!!  
 The tea party rebellion is on!!  
 Anyone can’t live with that (as they say in Russia) tough shitski!!

Of course all the questions of Ted Cruz’s supposed full American Citizenship has the protection of the far right wingnuts and lame stream media and now OFFICIAL Tea Party. 

And of course, Little Raffi – Ted Cruz and his attacks on immigration, citizenship and healthcare are all indirect attacks on Dad and his Canadian Citizenship that denies him the Presidency (Throne), classical Oedipus stuff from momma’s boy Ted. LOL


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