Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pennsylvania – A Catholic Theocracy – Catholic Sharia State – Septa Bus Route 89 - Harrowgate Philadelphia

Philadelphia Septa Catholic Sharia Bus Route 89 

I do not know where the 89 Septa Bus used to stop in my day, but these days it is geared to school and church closings in the archdiocese of Philadelphia by my reckoning.

I know that the half breed cardinal at “222” downtown does not give much credence to the intelligence of the people of the former Saint Joan of Arc Parish in Philadelphia, now Holy Innocents Parish -

Welcome ~ Bíenvenídos ~ Chào Mùng -

- But considering what I have seen for forty odd years in Pennsylvania from Cardinal Krol’s CIA sponsorship of John Paul II after the murder of John Paul I (Wink,Nod) -

I can see that Pennsylvania is in close conformity to Catholic Sharia Law and now is in the league for Theocracy among the various American republics formerly known as states – especially when tax payers money can divert or create a whole new Septa Bus Route with public hearings and all that and conform with new Parish Guidelines of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. 



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