Friday, May 3, 2013

Serial Pedophile Protector Newark NJ Archbishop Myer’s Resignation Demanded by New Jersey Legislators

I was just taken aback that the local New Jersey PBS news program spent close to eight minutes on the news story of Democratic State Legislators among others demanding resignation of what appears to be a Serial Pedophile Protector RC Bishop moved from diocese to diocese over the years who does not do anything to protect children from accused pedophile priests.

NJ Today also interviewed the mother of an abuse victim from Archbishop Myers former assignment and how he had threatened to take away the parents’ business of the abuse victim if they would not shut up and stop making trouble for the Bishop in Peoria.

Apparently the RC church besides sending pedophiles, priests from parish to parish and state to state does the same for the Pedophile Denying and Pedophile Protecting Hierarchy.

New Jersey is a Catholic state with close to 40 percent of the population listed as Catholic and it is the only religion to have a double digit membership in that statistical category.

No doubt Archbishop Myers' becoming a political football in the secular realm is indeed a different twist to the RC sacred tradition of secret clerical sexual perversion.



  1. Here's a shocking list of 174 accused clerics, nuns and staff

  2. Archbishop John J. Myers may have blatantly broken the law, let alone the fact that he broke his own "zero tolerance" child protection policy. He keeps making up his own rules just to cover himself, it is no wonder that Myers can not be trusted by victims, parents, and parishioners to tell the truth or to care one bit about the safety of innocent children

    It is extremely rare that a child predator has only one victim. Some have many. Child predators need to be kept far away from kids forever, and "the church officials know this".
    So let's hope that every person who saw, suspects or may have been harmed by Michael Fugee, will find the courage and strength to speak up and contact police, no matter how long ago it happened.

    Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, USA, 636-433-2511.,
    "SNAP (The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)
