Sunday, April 14, 2013

San Francisco Archdiocese Forced to Take Down Symbol of (Hate) Anti-Love from their Facebook Page

As some of you well know, I do not want to comment lately in the ugly atmosphere in which politics is being conducted these days. In fact being attacked by a single troll is one thing for expressing my honest opinion, but they seem to travel around in gangs anymore. 

One is reminded, I am reminded of the Germany in the 1930’s with jackbooted thugs wandering the streets, paid for by the rich industrialists, and funds channeled through a stooge political party like that of the Nazi Party.

So I am reluctant to write some of this. But since I have a global audience now and this is a American Secular Humanist diary in this new global culture, I will try to pass along the basics of this news item without getting too involved as being a so-called "Catholic basher" as some have labeled me or any other false identity from people hiding behind Anonymous masks as they spew and protect their right to hate and try to bully me into silence. Etc.

I have mentioned here and there that I do not do electronic petitions, mainly because I do not want my e-mail address sold onto to some spam list as I sign a petition for a good and great sounding thing in our democracy.

So too I try to avoid symbols or as in Facebook, there was a recent rash of the equality symbols used as avatar by many to indicate a position on the civil rights of marriage equality.  

All well and good to use such a symbol on a temporary basis like wearing a poppy flower at a veterans parade or waving a small flag at a Memorial Day parade or on the fourth of July.

I suppose making a good symbol and making a good point is enough to demand imitation from the other side in terms of a symbol.

Below are two links that say a great deal and I only have one quote from one commenter that says things much better than myself on the matter.

The headline of Writer Jamie Manson at NCR, National Catholic Reporter, caught my eye as I paged headlines looking for what was new on many subjects in the RCC of late.

The mere title said so much that it drew me in and informed of this new symbolism, symbols being used in ways that might be described as hateful by the hierarchy of the RCC. 

I have given up on that hierarchy in ever doing anything useful or mature for the human race.

Their bare faced ignorance of human sexuality on every level tells me that they are children and not adults. 

But the powers that be want these ignorant children to lead the masses into further dark age like ignorance.

That a symbol of equality like:

Equality = Love

Turned into some obscure quote from Luke to divide:
Division = Anti-Love

And reminded me of Hate Symbols like this:

Proven Symbol of Hate

That the RCC is now picking biblical quotations out of context like some tent revival fundies to emphasize some political agenda.

 "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division." ~~ Luke 12:51

Everything with the RCC Hi-R-key is an absolute and an eternal and set in stone. Perhaps Division is separation from the past and to create new conversation and new ground to explore and not some street mob symbol trying to separate “us” from “them”.

Nothing there was anti-Catholic, it was anti-hypocrisy. The Catholic Bishops have morphed themselves into an anti-gay hate group, and as such have become political, and must expect to be treated like any other political entity (or hate group). When receiving justified criticism or even denunciations of their hate, suddenly trying to morph back into a religion and claiming that they cannot be criticized because they are "religious leaders," is the height of hypocrisy. And we all know what Jesus had to say about hypocrites... ~~”tomtallis” 


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