Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mark Sanford’s Whore / “Fiancé” Maria Belen Chapur only Charges What an Hour to … South Carolina’s New Argentine S. American Euro-Trash Green Card Queen

Oh do me Mark, Joe, Fred, Consuela ! Whoever Gringo! ...

From South Carolina, the (closeted) inbred with slaves state that started the Civil War in which 600,000 Americans had to die…

Mark Sanford’s whore Maria Belen Chapur only charges Ten Pesos(?) an Hour … South Carolina’s New Argentine Euro-Trash Green Card Queen Elevates Rep. Joe “You Lie” Wilson to fine White South Carolina Trash Level Species…

Sanford did not identify Chapur as his lover at yesterday’s press conference.

The governor also claimed at yesterday’s bizarre news conferenc that he had “spent the last five days of my life crying in Argentina,” although a source in the country tells the gossip website that Sanford and Chapur were “all over each other” last week in his bar, “kissing, holding hands and drinking wine.”

Chapur is said to be an executive with a (brothel?)…

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