Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lord Carey - Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus - Whining About Christian Privilege being Pushed Back in the New Global Culture and calling it Persecution

Lord Carey, a Thatcher crony appointment, Archbishop of Canterbury Emeritus, is going about trying to preserve Religious privilege in a growing secular global culture. 

He is going off as in most typical English eccentric, crack pot fashion, and dishing it out on the current temporary resident of No. 10 Downing Street.

More of the usual of late Christian “they’re persecuting me” bullshit of not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes or pull their own weight I would say.

I like David Cameron and believe he is genuinely sincere in his desire to make Britain a generous nation where we care for one another and where people of faith may exercise their beliefs fully.But it was a bit rich to hear that the Prime Minister has told religious leaders that they should ‘stand up and oppose aggressive secularisation’ when it seems that his government is aiding and abetting this aggression every step of the way.

At his pre-Easter Downing Street reception for faith leaders, he said that he supported Christians’ right to practise their faith. Yet many Christians doubt his sincerity. According to a new ComRes poll more than two-thirds of Christians feel that they are part of a ‘persecuted minority’.

Their fears may be exaggerated because few in the UK are actually persecuted, but the Prime Minister has done more than any other recent political leader to feed these anxieties.

He seems to have forgotten in spite of his oft-repeated support for the right of Christians to wear the cross, that lawyers acting for the Coalition argued only months ago in the Strasbourg court that those sacked for wearing a cross against their employer’s wishes should simply get another job.

In a way this whole Christian paranoia so-called persecution thing of late on both sides of the pond has to do with the fact that the churches and church leaders have spewed unchecked religious propaganda into the town square or public forum without challenge from the media or the public for centuries. 

Now with a little push back and a demand for a two way conversation in the changing nature of the new uncharted global culture paradigm thing, they want to yell "persecution".

I don't buy it, this screaming whining “persecution” thing and won't until they fill, stock the fields of the football stadiums on both sides of the Atlantic with lions, tigers, bears and feed these pampered little church folk, church ladies to other species for a snack in earnest. Then I might believe they have something on their side in terms of substance in a real argument. 


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