Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bitch Fight – Ted Cruz vs. Diane Feinstein – She has more Balls than Vagina – He has more…or whatever that is for those People up in Canada where his birth certificate claims he was born…

Canadian American (So-Called), Ted Cruz Recently of Texas (from a driver's license I.D.?)

Washington (CNN) – Saying she felt "patronized" by Senate colleague Ted Cruz, Sen. Dianne Feinstein explained Thursday why she felt the need to raise her voice in anger at the Texas Republican during a debate over gun control.

"I felt he was somewhat arrogant about it," Feinstein said of Cruz's suggestion the Senate Judiciary Committee was ignoring the Constitution during its debate over banning semiautomatic firearms.

She spoke on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

(Documented?) Texas Employees - Ted Cruz con Rick Perry


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