Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Fires Catholic School Worker for Support of Marriage Equality - Catholic Temple Police Snooping, Spying on Facebook Again

A person willing to defend the civil rights of others is not one to be trusted to look the other way when the kids in his school get diddled. Wink. Nod.

The Roman Catholics and their closeted Hierarchy screaming "Religious Liberty" these days are really screaming for their selfish Ayn Rand right to hate among other unchristian things. 

An Ohio Catholic school administrator who was fired for supporting gay marriage on his personal blog says his faith is unshaken and he has no regrets for taking a stance on the issue.

"My point was I wish I had time to care who married each other but I don't," Mike Moroski, 34, told

On Monday, the 12-year teaching veteran was fired from his job as dean of student life at Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati for "public postings" that "directly contradict well-known teachings of the Catholic Church," according to a letter sent from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to students and parents. 

Church officials said they would not comment on personnel issues but did provide ABC with the letter. 

Moroski, who is married to a woman, said he posted a quote on Facebook from President Obama's inauguration speech supporting marriage equality. It sparked a public discussion with a friend who had an opposing view.

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