Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Senator Tim Scott Encourages All Fatherless Kids to Take Chick-fil-A Sandwiches, Candy and Conservative Ideas from Strangers / Mentors

You can call me Tim, or you can call me Timothy or you can call me Senator...

Tea Party Caucus House member Tim Scott just got a chance to fill part of Heritage Foundation President/Senator Jim DeMint’s South Carolina Senate seat's unexpired term. He is one of them “good” republicans in the South Carolina Tea Party. Wink. Nod. If ya all know what I mean. 

Chik-fil-A secular mentor values = imagined holier than thou Krisitian values. Hay-men.

Watch and learn. One day you too get can get a million dollar a year job at the Heritage Foundation and it all starts with a juicy free Chick-fil-A filled bun from a stranger/mentor. 

One day he came down to the movie theater and slid a Chick-fil-A sandwich across the desk. John was smart enough to know that food is a good way to start a conversation with a kid who likes to eat ... which probably means all kids. What a guy!
Over the course of three or four years, John transformed my way of thinking, which changed my life. It was interesting because the lessons that John was teaching me were maybe simple lessons, but they were profound lessons. 
By another account, it was a bag of Chick-fil-A sandwiches that turned Tim Scott’s life into the tea-bagger he is today. A story too good to be true seems to grow and grow with each telling.

Validation only through the testimony of white folk in South Carolina???  A Southern Tradition. 

Moniz took a bag of sandwiches to the theater one day and began mentoring Scott, who was struggling to stay in school. 
Moniz’s Christian-based lessons on life and business provided the high-schooler with direction that, 30 years later, Scott credited with helping lead him to the U.S. Senate. 
“At the time, we don’t know who we’re influencing and what they might do with their lives,” said Moniz’s widow, Janice. “God put him in that theater.”


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