Sunday, January 20, 2013

Satanists Want a Piece of Gov. Rick Scott of Florida’s Religious Liberty “Bill 98” Scam Abusing 1st Amendment’s Separation of Church and State

Sinking in the polls like with a millstone tied around his neck, Gov. Rick Scott has signed a bill authorizing optional religious prayers/“messages” to be delivered in Florida’s Tax Payer supported schools.

The Satanists want to promote their agenda same as Scott wants to promote the far right religious agenda on the tax payers dime. Holly-lu-ja.

Florida governor Rick Scott recently signed a bill that promotes religious freedom in schools. Bill 98 gives students "sole discretion in determining whether an inspirational message is to be delivered" at student assemblies, and also prevents school officials from influencing and participating in how these inspirational messages are delivered. …

For satanists, the bill might as well be divine intervention.

"Satan does ask us to do good among each other and follow our own path to happiness as long as it doesn't encroach on others," temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves told the Palm Beach Post. "Faith-based initiatives like this one in Florida gives marginalized religions like ours a chance to be heard. 

"You don't build up your membership unless people know about you," Greaves continued, "so this allows us to get our message out in public. …


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