Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mahony Crony Bishop Curry of Santa Barbara Living the Good Life After Shuffling Pervs Around the Map

Bishop Thomas Curry - Santa Barbara - Trust Me - "I'm Sorry"

According to the internal church documents, Mahony and Curry – then a monsignor serving as Mahony's chief adviser on sex-abuse issues – discussed ways to prevent law enforcement from learning about molestations of children by clergy in 1986 and 1987, more than a decade before the abuses became public knowledge. 
In confidential letters, Curry proposed strategies to prevent police from investigating three priests who had admitted to church officials that they abused young boys. Curry suggested to Mahony that they prevent the clergymen from seeing therapists who might alert authorities. 
In one instance, Curry suggested that a priest be sent to "a lawyer who is also a psychiatrist" to keep their discussions "under the protection of privilege." 
Curry also suggested they send the priests to other states to further thwart law enforcement, according to the documents. 
In one case, he suggested that a priest remain out of state to avoid the possibility that a young victim would spot him and contact police.

 Bishop Curry’s humble $3 million cottage (estimated) Calle Pinon and San Roque Road Santa Barbara California.


1 comment:

  1. Wow--the picture of Curry along is worth 1000 words, Mike. Great posting!
