Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Discounts to Cardinals Bishops and Clergy at Msgr Kevin Wallin’s Land of Oz Sex, Bong and Fantasy Shop in Bridgeport Connecticut

What is this fascination with gay priests and Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz and the Ruby Slippers?

As Cardinal Egan of New York' right hand man when he was Bishop in Bridgeport in the late nineties, the only thing Monsignor Wallin needed once he left St Augustine’s Cathedral parish there on sabbatical recently was Money Laundering for his Meth empire.

Without the cover of legitimate Vatican sponsored money laundering at St. Augustine's, Wallin needed the sex shop to launder his profits. Free Market Capitalism (bow your heads).

Both for religion and drugs, you need a front business to launder the profits.

20% discount to the Clergy on the Ruby (Cardinal) Slippers. One can dream, can’t one?


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