Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wayne LaPierre’s Head on a Stick – Sounds Good to Me – 1st Amend. Right to Call that Greedy Evil NRA F**K a Greedy Evil F**K

Head on a Stick - Metaphorically Speaking

NRA Gun Fetish Lunatic Wayne LaPierre wants to abuse the second amendment to abuse me and every living creature in sight with thousands of rounds of bullets for the sake of the quarterly profits of Arms Manufacturers.

Well FUCK! 

I defend the first amendment right of Professor Eric Loomis of the University of Rhode Island to desire metaphorically at least to see an evil greedy NRA fuck Wayne LaPierre’s Head on a Stick.

Sounds like a good start to me. 

Speaking of Higher Education, I have to wonder what Wayne LaPierre learned in his catholic education at two private Catholic Colleges and embodied especially in his Masters degree in Government at Boston (Jesuit) College???

 …a posting on Twitter by history professor Erik Loomis. Loomis wrote the post on Dec. 14, the day 20 children and six adults were killed by a gunman using a semi-automatic weapon inside a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. 
“I was heartbroken in the first 20 mass murders. Now I want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick,” Loomis wrote. LaPierre is the chief executive of the NRA, the nation’s largest gun-rights lobby.
Loomis has since written in a blog post that his comment was meant to be a metaphor for holding LaPierre responsible for his actions and was not meant as a threat. He has said he received death threats himself as a result of the comments.

Memorial Newtown Conn, - 27 Wooden Angels - Victims of NRA Endorsed 2nd Amend. Rights


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