Friday, December 21, 2012

Three Most Influencial American Roman Catholics in the Global Arms Race – Wayne LaPierre, Antonin Scalia, Carl Anderson?

Wayne LaPierre NRA - Antonin Scalia SCOTUS, Carl Anderson Knights of Columbus/Vatican Bank

Seeing the recent death of the toxic piece of American History aka Robert Bork reminded me of Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus/Vatican Bank and his salad days in the Reagan White House as the Catholic (Vatican) go-to guy and exclusive handler of Bork’s failed nomination to the Supreme Court.

Carl has gone on to head one on the past’s great benevolent Catholic organizations aka the Knights of Columbus, now the monied arm of the GOP and with all of it’s indifferent coded Pro-Life rhetoric. Sadly, the charity work of misguided American Catholics makes it to the Vatican Bank care of a kind and stupid American Public allowing tax free status on the K of C despite its current toxic domestic and global political activities.

Antonin Scalia is Antonin Scalia. SCOTUS. Get over it. He has the Second Amendment as a cheap mistress to interpret, slap her around, beat her up, according to the money laundering needs at the Vatican Bank/Knights of Columbus “Charity” financing global arms dealers along with servicing financial needs of the South American drug cartels making heavy contributions to their local bishops? Wink. Nod.

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA does not list his religion in his Wikipedia Bio. Agnostic? Or he does not want his redneck Baptist base to know that an undercover Pape is pulling their strings along with pulling in their fear based paranoid donations? Wayne went to two private RC colleges btw.

All in all the top three RC men, American men, who  might be the most influential and powerful men in America and globally when to comes to the lives and safety of children worldwide and have an interest as well as conflict of interest when it comes down to money, politics and guns, armaments, drones over the benefit of living human beings like kids, with instructions and daily PR talking points coming out of Corporate Tax Haven and HQ Vatican City, Rome Italy? 

In any case, hide your children. LOL


Have a nice day.


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