Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Kitsch / Bling Sold at The Vatican Tourist Shops - Spreading the Catholic Message from The Vatican Magic Kingdom

The official white budget of the Vatican City State derives 95% of its annual income from Tourists and not from religion.

Perhaps Disney INC. should get into the religion business or even Statehood to increase its tourist income just as the RCC has now seemingly gotten exclusively into tourism in the Vatican to supplement its dying religion base. 

Benedict Nesting Dolls - One for Every Day of the Week

Light a Candle and Pray to a Saint?

For the Back Window of Your Automobile

                Catholic Cappuccino Anyone?

Scented Water for that Special Secret Santeria Ceremony

Doorstop? - Bookend?

Dictaphone - For Taking Notes to or from the Confessional

Light my Fire

Joe's Personal Favorite in Duty Free Smokes

Pope Beer


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