Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Secret Life of Catholic Super Hero – Bill Donohue / Tim Dolan ??

I cannot quite figure it out yet.  Which one of the two people never seen together in public around New York City - Bill Donohue or Tim Dolan is the real Catholic Super Hero? Are there two or merely a Clark Kent type single Hero guy?

Bad Cop - Good Cop /  Bill Donohue - Tim Dolan

Mild mannered Archbishop Tim Dolan jumps out of his limousine and into a pay phone kiosk (not many of them left in mid-town Manhattan) – Hot under the Oxford Shirt collar Bill Donohue jumping into the men’s room at Rosy O’Gradie’s or any other mid-town rummy tourist bar and voila – Super Hero.

That’s not to say that Dolan’s fabulous polyester outfit makes him the superior half of the Super UberCath team fighting off secularists and atheists with tax free 501(c)3 DOLLARS.

When Janus needs a way to sell the product, TAP THE VAT(ican) of PR Bullshit with a different face, then miraculously (man made miracle BTW) Super UberCath appears in front of the Eyewitness or Fox News camera.  

Ten second PR sound bites are a modern art form and currently a required two semester subject in seminaries worldwide for the guys being groomed for success by the Father Escriva and Maciel cadre of Catholic training types these days. 

The Shadow Knows

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