Saturday, September 1, 2012

What Do Mormons Taste Like? – Cardinal Dolan – Archbishop Niederauer

"Mormon Broker" Niederauer
"American Pope" Dolan

PROVO, Utah -- The fight to defend moral principles is linking Mormons and Catholics like never before.
"In recent years, Catholics and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have stood more frequently side by side in the public square to defend human life and dignity," Francis Cardinal George told nearly 12,000 students, faculty and community members gathered Tuesday at BYU.
"I'm personally grateful that after 180 years of living mostly apart from one another, Catholics and Latter-day Saints have begun to see each other as trustworthy partners in defense of shared moral principles." --- Cardinal George, President of USCCB, Feb 24, 2010

The very gay marriage between the male rulers of  the American Roman Catholic Church and the male leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a secret marriage as of this moment.

But on a timeline, the official merger of Catholic and Mormon Mutual Self Interests in America is about on schedule.

The former Catholic bishop of Salt Lake City George Niederauer sent out a money help call to his friends in the Mormons mostly, but definitely elites only, Country Club in Salt Lake City in early 2008.  He needed the cash to fund Prop 8 on the November 2008 ballot to deny the civil rights of Marriage Equality for Gays.

Like why gives Gays rights like marriage when celibate priests are (?) trapped in unmarried celibate hell?

The Mormons gave Niederauer a “we’ll think about it”.  Nothing much might have come of a Catholic Bishop begging for chump change in his current hate campaign against the gays except that in April 2008 all hell heck broke out in Temple Square, regarding the arrests of break-away Mormons practicing the “P” word (polygamy) at the Zion Ranch in Texas.


The Mormon elites talked it over at the Country Club and decided that giving Niederauer the scratch to attack the gays would keep the media off the child rape forced marriage polygamy thing.  Besides the Catholics in charge know and appreciate the finer details of the bible and the modern secular misinterpretation of child rape and have hundreds of lawyers and PR people on retainer to deal with such things. Giving the Catholics the money to attack the Gays will be a good thing to offset this unpleasant Mormon thing in Texas.

Makes sense. To me at least. And I am a believer that the timeline in history is a better neutral interpreter of historical events than the mere opinion of scholars.

Prop 8 was a success.  Bigger plans and elections to sway, fix and change America back to the good old simplistic days of “Leave It To Beaver” Mormon American Morality. Whatever.

Public display of warmth between two hostile to each other, in the past, groups was necessary.  And who better to seal and private deals than with a Cardinal, president at the time of the whole bishop boys union, the USCCB.

Cardinal George also addressed the opposition that Catholics and Mormons have faced for their joint advocacy of human rights and dignity, citing the response from Proposition 8 opponents in California as an example.
“What I most regret is not the opposition, that is understandable ... And those of us who have gay people in their family as I have, know the anxieties and the conflicts in their own life. And we have to be there for them and love them and support them.”
But when Prop. 8 opponents “respond by thuggery, by quasi-fascist tactics, then the common good, our whole society, stands in great jeopardy,” Cardinal George said.
Opposition to the efforts of Catholics and LDS members should be expected, he added. “But despite that, if we stay together and go forward, … if we simply continue to talk together, (it) will in the end bear much fruit.”

Which leads us on the timeline to August 30, 2012 when Cardinal Timmy Dolan, Archbishop of New York City, President of the USCCB, “the American Pope” is led into Mitt Romney’s hotel suite in Tampa, full of Mormons, elites and relatives, and Cardinal Dolan does the obligatory bow to the next president of the United States and Dolan kisses Mitt’s wedding ring in Italian Roman, “our thing” respect.

Which leads to the opening question.  Tim, what do Mormons taste like? Their ring fingers at least?

Timmy has to protect his church’s tax free status after having drooled over his boy Ryan and bowed to the Man Mitt. Off to Charlotte and the Dem Convention for the minimum sake of pastoral appearances.

BTW, I am not all that interested in knowing what Barry’s butt tastes like since Dolan will be kissing an awful lot of Democratic butts this coming week in Charlotte with his Janus faced smile after his one real performance in Tampa this past week.

The Catholic Temple - Salt Lake City

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