Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Queen Bee Ann Romney Has Already Ordered New Curtains For The White House

First Lady to Bee Ann Romney has already ordered curtains for the Yellow Oval Room in the private quarters and Wall Paper for the Presidential Bedroom.

Ann Romney was dismayed to hear the horror tale of Laura Bush about how long it was – months – years to refurnish the private living quarters at the White House. To remove the semen stained wallpaper in Bill Clinton’s bedroom etc. … Oh, the horror!

Ann Romney contacted the George W. Bush Presidential Library and has already received the dimension particulars of curtain measurements and rolls of wallpaper required, to as it was told to me – “to get that musty non-Mormon Democratic smell out of the White House” asap after the First Mormon Family takes possession of the premises on January 20, 2013.

You go girl!


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