Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pig Shit Irish! - White Trash American Bishops – in Charge in America? – USCCB

"Silk Lace Irish"? - No! Pig Shit non-registered Missouri sex offender.

When did the American RCC get turned into a fascist arm of the Tea Baggers Party?

When did Chaff Farmers from the Midwest dare to come to the East or West Coast of America and soil the bishops’ chairs in the civilised parts of America?

There are three tiers of Irish BTW – Shanty – Silk Lace (Curtain) – and Pig Shit Irish.

Bishop Robert Finn lets “boys be boys” and let his BFF priest buddy father Ratigan keep his kiddie porn collection of “art” photos of little girls, and Finn only technically got convicted of aiding and abetting or something like that.

In most American States he would now have to be a “Registered Sex Offender”.  Which makes me think that Missouri does not register sex offenders or the wording of the crooked deal cut with Missouri Court officials saves “Silk Lace” Bobby from having to register as a sex offender.

The Vatican is Silent.

The Pig Shit Irish Archbishop of New York, President of the USCCB, is silent.

The pope may not be liable to lawsuits as Finn is not an “employee” in the eyes of the American Courts.

Which makes me think that maybe the World Court should start a case against the Bishop of Rome for aiding and abetting a convicted aiding and abetting child abuser.

Any Catholics in Kansas City that still contribute cash to Finn are obviously part of this criminal empire and are equal aiders and abettors of perversion.

Don’t lower my Shanty Irish status to Pig Shit (guilt by cultural association) just because crooked micks like Finn, Dolan and Burke are in charge of the American RC church!


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