Sunday, September 16, 2012

Paul Ryan’s Deadbeat Bishop Morlino Wants Names for Inquisition - Priests and Lowly Catholic Serf Subjects – Black Helicopters Ready to Roll on the Catholics in Madison after Election?

Black Helicopters - Practice Run - Madison Diocese

Paul Ryan’s deadbeat Bishop “Porkpie” Morlino commissioned a survey regarding his desired for quarter of a billion dollar cathedral, complete with underground parking and acres and acres of exclusive mausoleum vaults.

The firm that took confidential information from priests and Catholic Parishioners in the Madison Diocese refused to turn confidential information over to the diocese to see who hates Bishop “Pork Pie” as they call him behind his back.

There is a trend now among the White Trash American bishops these days, even a competition you might say, to build these proposed 60 and 70 million dollar new cathedrals with costs that mushroom out of control with construction costs and kickbacks in cash to the bishops and the Vatican that tithe payers are burdened with paying under penalty of losing their place in heaven. 

These New Cathedrals once built are cash cows on the indoor parking fees and the mausoleum vaults can also be used also to hide Cash, Cartel Drugs and Arms in the business related worldwide Vatican Bank money laundering empire.

He commissioned a confidential report. Stiffed (deadbeat) the Survey Taker for not surrendering confidential names and information and is now being sued for the Fascist Dictator he really is.

With his being a chaplain with the School of the Americas South American Military Training (and Torture) Institute, it will no doubt make it easy for the Black Helicopter division of that Institute to swoop down and disappear and silence his critics in Madison after Paul Ryan is elected Vice President.

Bishop Morlino BTW does not endorse Uber Catholic and Patriot Paul Ryan for Vice President.

A fundraising firm hired by the Madison Catholic Diocese to gauge support for rebuilding St. Raphael Cathedral says Bishop Robert Morlino insisted the firm turn over confidential information gathered from surveys and interviews, including the names of priests who complained about Morlino.
The firm, Phoenix Fundraising Counsel of Madison, says it refused to disclose the confidential data on priests and parishioners and now can’t get the diocese to pay its bill.
It has sued the diocese in Dane County Circuit Court for payment of at least $350,000, which includes work on a feasibility study and a planned capital campaign.

Bishop "Porkpie" Morlino of Madison Wisconsin


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