Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bishop Robert Finn to be Made Cardinal in Chicago (a rumor) – Why Not! – Hates Women – Hates Gays – Hates Kids Too!

Off the record Your Holiness…Yes Holy Father, I am happy to report that the American Courts are just as Corrupt as Ray Burke’s anything done for a bribe Vatican Court. --  Very good, my son. Very good indeed. 

In reaction to the locals in Kansas City Missouri on the Facebook page “Bishop Finn Must Go” and their retarded efforts to remove the pedophile protector and enabler Bishop Robert Finn from office a comment made by “I Sinton” in my recent article posted on that Facebook page:

I’m tired of all this requests for letter writing to the pope, respectful requests for Finn to step down and other rhetoric. The big guys who wear funny hats don’t care about the little people’s ( not leprechauns little people ) opinions. If you want Finn out of office, its simple.
Start a rumor, and all it needs to be is a rumor, that after he made the ‘Boys will be boys’ comment. He paused and said ‘If I could ordain women, I wouldn’t have this problem’. 
My bet is he will be gone by Wednesday.
How long have Catholics played the game ? You know the rules: 
Ordaining women = End of the world,
Children’s physical, emotional, spiritual welfare = who cares?
I’m from Philly. PA. We do things different than youse guys. Did you hear about the trial we had recently ? 


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