Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan's Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison WI trusts The Ryan Budget

A Place for the Poor at Bishop Morlino's Table?

About 3:50 of the video in the link below has Paul Ryan’s local bishop Robert Morlino of Madison WI trusting Paul as a good lay person in dealing with the budget in conformity to Catholic teachings despite criticisms from other Catholic Bishops, liberals, and the inhumanity of The Ryan Budget screwing the poor, elderly and disabled.

Reagarding Bishop Bobby Morlino, a quote from Wiki:
Morlino currently serves as the chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, and as chairman of the Board of Visitors of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas (SOA). Morlino has denied any wrongdoing by this military school that for decades has trained military officers from Latin America. Former students from this school have been found guilty of thousands of political killings, including the assassination of the Servant of God, Archbishop Oscar Romero and of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador. Morlino told the Wisconsin State Journal (11/4/2007), "I know for a fact there is no evidence to connect what the school teaches with any kind of atrocity".

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