Friday, August 24, 2012

Judge Head Lubbock Texas – Slave Rebellion about to Attack Massa’s Plantation House – and other Shit His Father Told Him

Lubbock Texas, a shit hole, in the middle of nowhere is about to be attacked by a Nigra Slave Rebellion aka Civil War if the Nigra President Barack Obama gets reelected – according to Judge “Massa Tom” Head in Lubbock Texas.

Some of this paranoid old shit that has been passed around the family campfire of the Head Family since before the War Between the States is getting quite old.

Indeed, Representative Todd Akin of Missouri is still talking down the rules, justification for his great great grandfathers raping the slaves in the day back before the Civil War.

The Civil War happened. You Lost! They freed the Slaves! GET OVER IT!

All this ancient recycled paranoid town square horse shit verbiage in the "current" Tea Party culture should be separated for reality from the shit your fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers etc. said to you over a hundred years ago.

Judge Head and Representative Akin are two embarrassments to us real Americans in the 21st century to the rest of the planet and our common global culture. 

GET A LIFE Judge Head.  GET A LIFE Lubbock!

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