Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Janna Ryan’s Black Sheep Uncle by Marriage – Governor David L. Boren of Oklahoma

Janna Ryan’s press releases mention her red neck granddaddy Reuel W. Little who ran unsuccessfully for Governor.  Grandad Little supported George Wallace by forming his own John Bircher type third party in Oklahoma, the American Party, so that Wallace could be on the ballot in OK in 1968.

Her uncle by marriage to her aunt Janna Lou Little is David L. Boren, who did successfully run for Governor of Oklahoma 1975-1979.  And was Democratic Senator from Oklahoma 1979-1994.

Governor Boren is not mentioned directly in the Janna Ryan press releases.  Was it because he endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and is not likely to endorse him a second time around, family connections as all that? Or that her aunt divorced Boren and divorce is a sin in the Ryan Catholic household?

The Democrats are strangely silent too on this Black Sheep of the Little/Ryan family/dynasty. Perhaps it was because Senator Boren defied the Teddy Kennedy wing of the Dem party by voting for Robert Bork on the Supreme Court?

In any case, it sure helps for a struggling young Wellesley graduate with a law degree in tax avoidance to set up shop in digs like Washington DC where her uncle, black sheep or not, knew a few important people.  (Wink, nod)


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