Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Desmond Tutu Refuses to Share Stage with “Iraq War Criminal” Tony Blair

Morality against White Male Entitlement and War Crimes

Hey Desmond get with the program, white Anglo-Saxon males are incapable of war crime.  Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney etc. It is called “white male entitlement”. It is the first “law of nature”.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner who was the first black archbishop of Cape Town made the protest because of the former Prime Minister's “morally indefensible” decision to lead British forces into Iraq in 2003. 
However Mr Blair hit back in a statement, insisting that such "decisions are never easy morally or politically”. 
Mr Blair and Archbishop Tutu, who received the Nobel Prize in 1984 for campaigning against apartheid, were due to appear at a leadership summit in Johannesburg later this week. 
A local Muslim party has already announced that it would attempt to arrest Blair when he arrives in Johannesburg for “crimes against humanity”. 
Archbishop Tutu’s office said in a statement: “Ultimately, the Archbishop is of the view that Mr Blair's decision to support the United States' military invasion of Iraq, on the basis of unproven allegations of the existence in Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, was morally indefensible.

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