Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cardinal Dolan's Prayer for the 1% GOP Convention

My fellow Angry White Males
Let us Pray 
For dear fellow One Percenter Mitt
And One Percenter Paul
Whom God has chosen to bless
With lots of PAC cash and
To lead us forward
Out of the darkness caused 
By you know who 
In the White House
(pause for boo-s, house noise)
Restore our Nation
Restore Religious Freedom
So savagely ripped from our 
Christian breasts by the 
Godless Pro-Choice crowd
And…(pause for applause)

(of) politics and fraud—
We’ve made a pretty mess at home,
Let’s make a mess abroad.
And let us ever humbly pray
The Lord of Hosts may deign
To stir our feeble memories
Lest we forget—the Maine.
Take up the White’s Man’s burden.
To you who thus succeed
In civilizing savage hordes,
They owe a debt, indeed;
Concessions, pensions, salaries,
And privilege and right
With outstretched hands you raised to bless
Grab everything in sight.
Take up the White Man’s burden
And if you write in verse,
Flatter your nation’s vices
And strive to make them worse.
Then learn that if with pious words
You ornament each phrase,
In a world of canting hypocrites (like me)
This kind of business pays.


1 comment:

  1. May I humbly remind Cardinal Dolan,
    as he preens and pontificates under the spotlights
    of the political conventions:
    there is really room for only ONE superstar in his religion.
    And as the Cardinal addresses and blesses the Republicans and their billionaire buddies,
    as he smiles upon those who would destroy Social Security and voucher Medicare to death,
    and as he joins with those who readily admit they they “don’t care about the very poor”......
    it would be good, it would be very good ...for the good Cardinal
    to remember -and take to heart- the words of his boss,
    who once said “What you do for the least of these you do for me”.
    Unless perhaps, the Cardinal is working for someone else these days?
    Not only do Politics and Religion not mix:
    they bring out the worst in each other.
    And they destroy each other.
