Saturday, August 18, 2012

Capitalism to End December 21, 2012 – Coca Cola Banned – Vote of No Confidence in the American Empire

Capitalism will officially end December 21, 2012 according to some Bolivian officials, the end of the Mayan Calendar.

To mark this global paradigm shift and vote of no confidence in the American Empire, Bolivia will ban the number one capitalism symbol of the American Hegemony – Coca Cola.

“The twenty-first of December 2012 is the end of selfishness, of division. The twenty-first of December has to be the end of Coca-Cola and the beginning of mocochinche (a local peach-flavored soft drink). “The planets will line up after 26,000 years. It is the end of capitalism and the beginning of communitarianism.”

December 22, 2012 marks the beginning date of the new Global Commonality/Solidarity?


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