Saturday, July 14, 2012

Paterno and Sandusky – Penn State Corporate Pimps!

Pimps - Penn State

What are they all crying about?

Joe Paterno got a $5.5 Million dollar Platinum Parachute retirement deal. And he and his family get twenty five years of free rides on the Penn State Company Jet and twenty five years use of a private box at Beaver Stadium.

Penn State – I thought that was a state supported university – Private Jet – to ride in donors on their way in to get a taste of Jerry’s kids in the Private Boxes for big donors? Don't need that Jet no more I think. (Pimpmobile?)

Something really wrong here. Am I the only crazy one here or does anybody else smell many dead corpses rotting away under the floor boards and behind the walls in the Halls of Penn State???

Joe Paterno’s statue is still standing outside Beaver Stadium.  Why hasn’t it been scraped in a Junk Yard? If they leave his monument there any longer, maybe they should dress it up, only thing missing on that statue is a Zoot Suit - appropriate attire for a pimp.

Joe and Jerry had a lot of good years pimping for the Education Industrial Complex and College Football.

Jerry is going to Jail. Joe is in Hell. He sold his soul to the company he worked for. Not so unusual these days. 

End of Story.  Get over it!

Please put another dozen of the corporate pimps running Penn State as part of Joe Paterno’s Pimp Run Tenure in jail for a start. 

It ain’t cool to be a Joe or Jerry groupie anymore. 

Party is over.  It, the child trafficking thing, has likely moved on to the other Big College Football Campuses?
Let’s get on with some decency and morality and reality in America before it is too late for America to get on with some decency morality or reality.


Have a nice day.


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