Thursday, July 19, 2012

Michele Bachmann – Batshit to Apeshit Crazy in One Easy Step

What ever happened to “God told me to run for President.”?

Now I guess God has told her to strap on a dildo and pretend to be Joe McCarthy?

She wants to investigate the less than white skinned assistant to Secretary Clinton for being what she is - of Middle Eastern descent. How do you spell racist?

We won’t go into her husband’s Store Front sex shop “therapy” racket.

This is pure crazy.  Lock her up in Bedlam.  Learn how to behave or is this just typical acceptable GOP congressional behavior?

But how do you spell Straight Jacket?

For instance, Bachmann's former campaign manager, Edward Rollins, said in a Fox News opinion piece that his onetime boss is being extreme and dishonest. 
“Having worked for Congressman Bachmann’s campaign for president, I am fully aware that she sometimes has difficulty with her facts, but this is downright vicious and reaches the late Senator Joe McCarthy level,” wrote Mr. Rollins on Thursday.

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